Thursday, October 21, 2010



Everyone will sooner or later come across negativity in some form. "Why is this?" you may ask. Well, first of all, opposites attract. But mostly forces of negativity will inevitably be drawn to you, attracted by your spiritual aura like moths to a candle flame. These negative forces will try their best to hinder you from getting more powerful and becoming an even greater force for good. This shouldn't be reason for fear or worry, give us a call and we will be more than happy to visit you and once you meet us and feel the difference in your home after a cleansing you wont regret it.

Reiki healing is the usage of spiritual energy to heal a person's aura or situation. "Reiki and massage are two separate things," The usual treatment of Reiki massage begins at the head and works its way through the seven different chakras. Reiki massage has been used to help patients manage pain and increase their quality of living.


The Subconsciousness and Belief

To the subconscious EVERYTHING is real. This is the seat of phobias, fears and where habits form, but it is also the place of love, compassion and hope. If you want to ever change an old pattern of behavior, the subconscious is the area you must appeal. There
is where change is formed and made.The shapes of candles plays an important role in
the configuration of energy. will conduct energy along certain lines and the shape
gauges the energy structure.

Founder of Mystical Harmony
Janine is a spirit healer from Mexico’s most important energetic centers; Tepoztlan.  For the past 30 years she has communed with spirits from other worlds and interpreted past lives for hundreds of people, helping to bring harmony and understanding to friends and family.  While many may doubt the authenticity of ghosts/spirits/past lives, many millions of others understand and accept that such phenomena are a natural and ongoing part of everyday life.   Janine can help you and your families understand and overcome.  

Useful to Know
  • Before falling asleep it is a great time to be grateful to the Universe for all you have.

  • When you are taking a shower imagine that the water that is falling on your head is the most amazing gold and shiny light that fills you with love and light all your body.


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